
Otley Chevin Forest Park is on the ridge on the south side of Wharfedale, West Yorkshire, overlooking the market town of Otley and is a designated nature reserve comprising 700 acres of woodland, crags and open heathland. It is locally referred to as ‘Otley Chevin’ or ‘The Chevin’.

The park’s north-facing escarpment rises steeply to a height of 282m (925ft) above sea level at Surprise View and offers extensive views of the Wharfe valley.

A variety of historical features remain enabling a picture of the evolution of this landscape that is the result of many thousands of years of interaction between people and nature.

The Chevin has a number of footpaths and bridlepaths, rock outcrops and ponds all of which provide opportunities for activities for all ages.

Friends of Chevin Forest Park

The Friends of Chevin Forest are a group of volunteers who care about Chevin Forest Park (known locally as The Chevin) and we work in partnership with Leeds City Council’s Parks & Countryside service, who own and manage the land. Our aims are to increase your enjoyment of Chevin Forest Park and to help you understand more about the landscape, it’s history and natural features.

This website has been kindly supported by  Otley Town Council and Bondgate Bakery.

News & Events

  • Guided Tree ID Walk - Discover the rich diversity of Leeds’ urban forest on our Guided Tree ID Walk on Saturday 22nd March! Join us for an enlightening journey through Chevin Forest, where Leeds City Council’s Woodland Creation Ranger will introduce you to the fascinating...more
  • Hedge planting with Otley Chevin Orchard Project - Join the Friends of Chevin Forest and the Otley Chevin Orchard Project on Saturday 15th March for tree planting on Otley Chevin! Everyone is welcome to join us but under 16s should be accompanied by an adult. Please bring your...more
  • The Great Chevin Pub Quiz! - Come along to The Black Horse in Otley from 7.30 pm on Tuesday 11th February for the inaugural Great Chevin Pub Quiz! £5 entry per team (maximum 5 people per team) with prizes for winners and runners up. Standard quiz...more
  • Otley Christmas Tree Festival 2024 - The Friends of Chevin Forest will have a tree at this year’s Otley Christmas Tree Festival at All Saints Parish Church on Kirkgate in Otley from 4th – 7th December 2024. https://www.visitotley.co.uk/event/otley-christmas-tree-festival-2024/ The festival provides an opportunity for local charities...more