
Extensive quarrying and vegetation growth has perhaps either  destroyed or covered up possible examples of rock art and prehistoric features. Whether much ever existed or not, we do not know but we certainly do not have the extent of carving as exists on Rombalds Moor (Ilkley Moor).

Knotties Stone – see separate page is often cited as our best example, but it is now so eroded that it’s hard to see.

The Bull Stone is a single standing stone, possibly dating from the  Bronze Age. It’s origin and purpose are unknown and so subject to speculation. It’s proximity to the Roman Road that passes nearby has led people to wonder if it was a milestone. It is also suggested by an Aireborough Historical Society listing that the word ‘bull’ is derived from an obsolete Yorkshire word ‘bull-steann’ meaning a stone used as a whetstone for hsaprneing knives and tools. According to folklore ‘fastening bulls to it when they were baited by dogs, a custom still known to Carlton farmers’ is suggested by Philomen Slater:

To find it, follow the road that runs south of The Chevin and park in the pub car park west of the Chevin Lodge Hotel. Follow a footpath behind the pub and head south, passing through a gate then turn left and continue south alongside a drystone wall. The stone is on the other side of this wall a little further on

OS Map Ref SE20604351

Romano British>